We are excited to announce that our Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme is back!
This is perfectly timed following this weeks announcement from the UK government with their ‘roadmap’ out of current restrictions. Over the coming months more businesses will be reopening and new mums will be able to get out and about, many for the first time since giving birth! We know that the UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world and this can make breastfeeding in public, or in front of others a very daunting prospect for many new mums, and even mums of older babies too.
Breastfeeding Friendly allows all kinds of businesses and venues to show their support without the need to ask! Just knowing where to find a safe and supportive space to feed can make a huge difference. All the businesses/venues who are part of our scheme have demonstrated their commitment to protecting breastfeeding and creating a welcoming environment for breastfeeding families.
The scheme is open to all businesses and venues in the UK who have an interest in supporting new mothers for just a small fee which provides a welcome pack including promotional materials. Find more information here, or to purchase click here.
Find all currently listed businesses on our interactive map or look out for the Breastfeeding Friendly Logo!