A- Antenatal- start as you mean to go on, get yourself informed and prepared
B- Benefits (So many of them ) of breastfeeding
C- Colostrum, your first milk, tiny volumes, big impact! It coats your baby’s gut and offers protection
D- Don’t worry, you’re doing a brilliant job
E- Engorgement- Fear not! It settles after a couple of days- feed to relieve!
F- Flipping heck- this can be hard work!!!
G- Get feeding off to a good start with skin to skin
H- Hand express to relieve engorgement
I- I’m getting the hang of this now
J- Join Connect and Share, our closed Facebook group for support and information from other mums and peer supporters.
K- Keep it up, you’re giving your baby a fantastic start
L- Little and often, their tummies are tiny and most breastfed babies will need frequent small feeds
M- Make use of us- We’re here 7 days a week for any support you need
N- Nipple confusion is a thing, waiting 4-6 weeks before introducing a bottle gives babies a better chance of switching between the two more effectively
O- Oh my goodness, it’s just getting so much easier
P- Positioning, getting your baby in an effective position can really help overcome any problems
Q- Questions- we know you’ll have lots and there’s never a silly one or one we’ve not been asked before
R- Reassurance, we don’t care how much you need, we are here to give it. We’ll help you believe in yourself
S- Safer sleep- we can give information about much more than just breastfeeding, ask us your safe sleep questions
T- Try different positions, not every position works well for every mum, but there’ll be one that works for you.
U- Understanding that any amount of breastmilk makes a difference, one feed, one week, one month, one year will all offer your baby some protection.
V- Village- find yours in us. We will be your people, your cheerleaders, your safety net
W- Whip it out if in doubt, you can’t overfeed a breast fed baby
X- X-pletives when you realise you’ve opened the door to amazon/the milk man/the window cleaner with your boob out
Y- You are protected whilst feeding in public, no one can stop you or ask you to move.
Z- zzzzzzzzzz Yes, eventually they’ll sleep!!!